Public Relations is counted amongst one of the top 10 most stressful job. And there are enough research reports to prove it. In today’s day and age with the media deadline getting shorter and shorter even more so. Lightning fast pace, deadline driven, balancing multiple stakes, multi-tasking coupled with a huge adrenaline rush and relief at the same time on seeing your story has you on a constant roller coaster ride. Plus you have to do all this with a straight poker face. It is a thrilling and exhausting ride but to be fair it has a lot of fun perks too that keeps you motivated to keep moving forward and aim higher.
Networking: If you like to boast of a having strong connects then you will enjoy networking. A good PR professional is an excellent networker. Meeting people every day from various agencies, clients and media, a good part of your day is spent networking with people. Your contact base becomes amazing and you have a guy / gal for every requirement. You possibly know someone everywhere!
Work hard, party harder: Yes. The work is stressful. That means the party has to be even better! Every event and achievement calls for a celebration. Whether it’s a brand launch or a campaign success. There is always a party and after-party and after-after party to attend.
You are sure to meet our favourite personalities: Depending upon the clients you handle you are sure to meet your favourite celebrities and personalities in the field. So meeting your favourite actor or idol or sports person is a definite possibility! I know because I met them all! Now I am working on a new list I would like to meet ! So ensure your phone is always charged so that you can take a quick selfie with your favourite personality as a keepsake.
Travelling: Travelling is an integral part of a PR professional’s life. Local, national and international. Restaurants, 5 star hotels, factories and unique places that you would have never thought about going or had access to for events, trainings, brain storming sessions and team outings ! You are sure to travel places with your work.
It never gets boring: No two days are same in the life of a PR professional. With the wide variety of roles, responsibility and opportunities to interact with experts in the field, you’ll always find yourself doing something new and different every day. Plus if you handle a diverse set of clients in various verticals then you will have a fun and power packed day … every day.
Always updated: You are always updated with the latest news and happenings and a lot of times have access to privileged insights and information… some you can share and most you cannot. But nevertheless, one of the best perks of the job is the in-depth and additional knowledge you gain from speaking and meeting experts in the field. Something that is not accessible to common public – which includes your friends and family. You are always easily the most knowledgeable and go-to person in any gathering!
The perks of the job are so awesome that it makes up for all the adrenaline rush and stress of the day. I love what I do, and I would not change my profession for anything in the world.
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About Nucleus PR
The 07-year old firm has clients across multiple verticals. With an already established presence in 4 major metros, they have successfully created a strong affiliate network across 88 towns across the country via a team of trusted professional experts. With its inclusion in the exclusive and prestigious worldwide collaborative network of PR firms – PRBI Boutiques International, it adds brilliant minds from over 40 agencies across 14 countries to their resource pool. As the first members from the Asian sub-continent, they represent the entire region in the prestigious international PR network. Their current portfolio includes entertainment, lifestyle, media, hospitality and corporate clients across MNCs, SMEs, and Startups.