While human relationships are the same everywhere…they are not really the same everywhere.
When you are in PR and want to explore it beyond your own borders these are five things you must take the time to find out :
⭐Cultural References: What makes sense to you might be complete gibberish to the other team. Some phrases might be super cool in your language but might mean something completely different to the other party.
⭐Local Norms: Important to observe the acceptable practices in a country. What might be awkward to you might be an acceptable practice in the other country.
⭐Media & PR Relationship: Knowing how these industries are associated and the kind of #relationship they share is essential for you to understand. This will help you figure out how to work with the local team.
⭐Media Industry: Get an overview of the media industry. What are the top media channels, who is important in the hierarchy, and what sells essential information?
⭐Political Affiliations: V.V.V. Important to know the political lay of the land and how it impacts the PR & #Media industry. This will directly impact how you brief your #spokesperson to deal with the media and team.
And there are more…
We at Nucleus PR belong to an exclusive network of PR Boutique Agencies from across the world that bring together seasoned experts with local expertise and global outlook under one umbrella.
Look up @prboutiquesintl and connect with us if you are based in India and want to explore the international market.
We got you!
About Nucleus PR
The 13-year old firm has clients across multiple verticals. With an already established presence in 4 major metros, they have successfully created a strong affiliate network across 88 towns across the country via a team of trusted professional experts. With its inclusion in the exclusive and prestigious worldwide collaborative network of PR firms – PRBI Boutiques International, it adds brilliant minds from over 40 agencies across 14 countries to their resource pool. As the first members from the Asian sub-continent, they represent the entire region in the prestigious international PR network. Their current portfolio includes entertainment, lifestyle, media, hospitality and corporate clients across MNCs, SMEs, and Startups.