- Tarunjeet Rattan Webinars are the rage right now but pulling off a successful one is another task altogether. After having participated and hosted a fair number of webinars, here are our 10 best tips that you can leverage to pull off a super s
- Tarunjeet Rattan Webinars are the rage right now but pulling off a successful one is another task altogether. After having participated and hosted a fair number of webinars, here are our 10 best tips that you can leverage to pull off a super s
- Michelle Khiangte Podcasting has become successful in recent years due to its high-quality content and easy accessibility. It is the future of storytelling and a new effective medium of consuming content, which is here to stay. Over the
We are living in the age where digital media has greatly influenced our lives. Thanks to broadband operators and telecom companies, internet penetration has now even reached remote corners of the country. Increasing internet penetration has also led
In this era of short forms, edited photos and emojis; blogging has become quite a trend. In every social media platform we come across a lot of social media influencers in various fields like food, fashion, fitness, travelling, tech and so on. There
Meetings, meetings and more meetings. As a PR professional our lives are filled with it. Whether it is with clients (briefing, crisis, updates, interviews…etc, etc…), media (pitches, networking, events, parties, interviews…etc, etc, ), team (br