3 reasons to include podcasts in your PR Plan

Michelle Khiangte

Podcasting has become successful in recent years due to its high-quality content and easy accessibility. It is the future of storytelling and a new effective medium of consuming content, which is here to stay.

Over the last couple of years, podcasting has evolved into a powerful medium and cannot be ignored in your PR plans. It is a unique medium that can transform complex arguments into relatable and interesting stories in a very convenient and personal manner. As a PR pro you should look at the benefits it provides for your brand-building efforts. While there are a lot of reasons why you should consider podcasts in your PR mix, here are my top three:

Easy Accessibility and Multitasking: In today’s world, anyone with a smartphone can easily get access to their favorite podcast episode without downloading it. A lot of these platforms are free which makes it easier for listeners to opt for this medium rather than paying for a subscription. Another great additional benefit to owning a smartphone. Whether you are completing mundane tasks, doing chores, or traveling, it allows a listener to consume high-quality content from around the world. Podcasts give one the freedom to listen to stories, conversations, debates, news, and more without tying you down to a spot. That means it reaches out to more people and sometimes a completely different audience who can listen to your clients on the go.

Personalized Unique Content: A podcast allows you to explore different formats and make things more conversational and personal. Explore the themes that each podcast has, and you have an opportunity to position and explore different facets of your client with each one of them. Podcasts are usually customized to the preferences of the podcaster and it attracts a similar tribe. One can deal with entrepreneurship while another can deal with branding and yet another on their reading choices.

Widespread Promotion: Every podcast also promotes its episodes across its social media channels and networks. So, your client gets added visibility across different platforms and new networks. A lot of podcasters also do a multicast on their social media channels and do short live sessions on their Instagram or Facebook to promote the episode.

While globally it has already on its way to becoming a credible source of information, it is still in a very nascent stage in India. Judging by the number of interesting podcasts available in India now this is a growing breed that should not be ignored. It is the right time for you to get your client to join the conversation on a podcast if you haven’t already.

Connect with us on info@nucleuspr.in to know more about how we can help your brand create a powerful story.

About Nucleus PR

The 12-year old firm has clients across multiple verticals. With an already established presence in 4 major metros, they have successfully created a strong affiliate network across 88 towns across the country via a team of trusted professional experts. With its inclusion in the exclusive and prestigious worldwide collaborative network of PR firms – PRBI Boutiques International, it adds brilliant minds from over 40 agencies across 14 countries to their resource pool. As the first members from the Asian sub-continent, they represent the entire region in the prestigious international PR network. Their current portfolio includes entertainment, lifestyle, media, hospitality and corporate clients across MNCs, SMEs, and Startups.

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