There are series and then there are some more series that make you go … “ahhh! that’s so what we do. ”; “OMG! That’s exactly what happened to me! ” Though it will still take some time for the young brigade of OTT content creators industry to create one that actually depicts the life we live, these series and/or movies come close to capturing the madness.
So, as you take your Christmas break, we bring you a fab list of series you must watch if you are in Public Relations. All of these are available on OTT channels. These are our favorites:
- Thank You For Smoking: High stakes game with powerful results that can change human behaviour like no other. This perfectly captures the phrase ‘ with great power comes great responsibility’. This movie is a classic and showcases the heights of perception creation and the brilliance involved. Don’t stress about the actual industries. Marvel at the brilliant ideas !
- Silicon Valley: If you have ever worked on a startup , this one will have you on the edge of your seats and have you go .. “ nooooooo…don’t do that!” as you spot the classic mistakes made by a startup and their journey towards becoming a brand. Identifies all the right notes on why you need to create and protect your reputation from Day 1 in a startup.
- Madam Secretary: PR has a place in every department and in every job role. This series has us marveling at the genius of the protagonist from Episode 1 as she uses classic tactics to protect, prevent and sometimes keep a reputation. If you are in PR, you will recognise these tactics from the start.
- Scandal: Intense, dramatic, and power packed … every episode is ‘handled’ so well. While this is more of a critical intense crisis communication situation in a political drama, there are days in PR where we turn investigator and crisis manager rolled into one to navigate and possibly control the narrative in a crisis for a client.
- Hancock: This was one of the first media outreach projects we took up in Bangalore when we started our agency. And this movie has always stayed special. Not just because it was the first project but also because it showcases the positive impact PR can create. You will love this one for the potential that PR has to do good.
Bonus: Wag The Dog – If you want a real laugh then this one is hilarious. It is a cult classic and every PR major should watch it. An American political satire comedy it will have you in splits and in awe at the same time making you wonder of all the crisis that we read about in the news. How much of it is real and how much of it is manufactured.
What more would you add to this list?
About Nucleus PR |
The 14-year-old boutique PR firm has clients across verticals and work across the country via a team of trusted professional experts. With its inclusion in the exclusive worldwide collaborative network of PR firms – PRBI Boutiques International, it now adds brilliant minds from 37 agencies across 13 countries to their resource pool. As the first members from the Asian sub-continent, they represent the entire region in the elite network.