Is traditional media losing sheen ?
October 16, 2017 | Nucleus PR

Is traditional media losing sheen ?

We are living in the age where digital media has greatly influenced our lives. Thanks to broadband operators and telecom companies, internet penetration has now even reached remote corners of the country. Increasing internet penetration has also led

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Blogging Truths
May 12, 2017 | Nucleus PR

Blogging Truths

In this era of short forms, edited photos and emojis; blogging has become quite a trend. In every social media platform we come across a lot of social media influencers in various fields like food, fashion, fitness, travelling, tech and so on. There

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Is all innovation creative ?
May 7, 2017 | Nucleus PR

Is all innovation creative ?

‘Innovation is the only way to win’ – Steve Jobs I agree with the above. Is all innovation really creative? Yes. But is the creativity in innovation relevant? Is it intelligent? Is it needed? Not always. To truly be deemed an ‘innovation’

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Digital Trends Every PR Pro Must Know About !
December 28, 2016 | Nucleus PR

Digital Trends Every PR Pro Must Know About !

Evolution is the key to any profession. With time, professionals have to modify themselves, learn new skills and add to their knowledge bank to meet the changing demands of their profession. This is all the more true for the field of Public Relations

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Make Client Meetings More Effective
November 23, 2016 | Nucleus PR

Make Client Meetings More Effective

Meetings, meetings and more meetings. As a PR professional our lives are filled with it. Whether it is with clients (briefing, crisis, updates, interviews…etc, etc…), media (pitches, networking, events, parties, interviews…etc, etc, ), team (br

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How to select a PR partner that is perfect for you?
November 7, 2016 | Nucleus PR

How to select a PR partner that is perfect for you?

Selecting a good PR partner for your company is very essential. I call them ‘partners’ and not ‘vendors’ or ‘agency’ because the right ones are essential to the growth and reputation of your company. And they need to be partners in it! On

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How To Add The Power Of PR To Your Tech Startup
September 28, 2016 | Nucleus PR

How To Add The Power Of PR To Your Tech Startup

India is a startup nation with one getting launched every day. The escalation of technology startups and their positive impact on almost every aspect of our lives has made us realize the immense potential they hold. Add to this a well thought PR prog

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De-Mystified - Information Consumption Habits Of Millennials !
August 30, 2016 | Nucleus PR

De-Mystified – Information Consumption Habits Of Millennials !

The Millennials or Generation Y to some… or simply Generation WE or as I like to call us… Generation ME, ME,ME… ! They have a wide-ranging variety of names that refers to them ! By definition, a generation who was born roughly from the 1980-200

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To Communicate Well…First Truly Believe!
May 2, 2016 | Nucleus PR

To Communicate Well…First Truly Believe!

I Believe… “Loneliness does not come from having no people about one, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to oneself or from holding certain views which others find inadmissible.” C.G.Jung The inability to commun

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The Five PoweR Apps
April 6, 2016 | Nucleus PR

The Five PoweR Apps

The world of communication is vast. Almost as vast as the world of a PR person. I might be biased since I work and love the field of PR… but to me it makes sense that a professional in this field needs to have ‘information’ at his / her fingert

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